Rohde & Schwarz Hosts Spectrum Monitoring Training Course
Rohde & Schwarz (Munich, Germany) hosted a “Spectrum Monitoring Fundamentals” training course Nov. 14-18 in Jamaica.
This course expanded the spectrum monitoring expertise of several professionals and executives working for national regulatory authorities in eight Caribbean countries. The participants learned about signal environments, measurement equipment and operation methods. Theoretical lessons were supplemented with hand-on sessions, where the attendees learned how to practically handle state-of-the-art systems.
Participants learned the basics of radio wave propagation, including various physical effects and the impact on spectrum monitoring. They were familiarized with the company’s measurement equipment and its practical implementations. The lessons explained operation principles for different tasks in their daily work. The entire course was based on the typical signal environments of today and ITU recommendations.
All attendees passed a final exam and are now qualified to register for an expert courses in the Rohde & Schwarz training program.